Boccia (pronounced Bot-cha) is a game similar to boules. It is played with soft leatherballs with the aim of getting closest to the ‘jack’ ball. It was originally devised for people living with cerebral palsy and it is by now a Para Olympic Sport.
In September 2017 the first Gwynedd Boccia Tournament was held at the Byw’n Iach Glaslyn in Porthmadog. 20 Teams took part from various organisations including the DementiaGo class participants, MS Society, Parkinson’s Group, Exercise Referral clients and local Learning Disability groups. The Tournament initially started after receiving a kind donation from Councillor Mr John Brymor Hughes and his wife Vivien, to run the event in memory of his son - teams now play for the honor of winning the Wil Pent Memorial Shield. The Tournament in April 2019 saw 47 teams competing.
Following on from the success of the Tournaments a Gwynedd Boccia League was formed to give people the opportunity to play on a more regular basis. The games are held on the second Friday of every month at Byw’n Iach,Glaslyn, Porthmadog. There are currently 27 teams playing and organizations involved have increased to make this a truly inclusive activity.